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Periodic Maintenance

We all know that forklifts and business operations are not created equal.

Therefore does a one size fits all service plan make sense? Of course not.

Information is the vital component when determining what service plan is right for you.

Some of a few important factors that we consider that would help determine frequency and service options are ...


  • What Type of equipment is being used?

  • What is the benefit of Electric Vs Propane?

  • Work environment- Is the equipment used in a clean environment or constant heat such as a foundry? Is it a clean smooth floor building or rough outside dusty, dirty or muddy location?

  • How many shifts are operating?

  • Is it a light, medium or heavy duty application?


These are but a few environment variables that are key factors in determining the right service program for you.











Good question, we hear it all the time which is why we have developed a methodical approach to help you identify the right service plan for you.

First, we will sit with you and discuss your current equipment, your facility layout, the number of shifts worked, the environment the equipment will be working. We will then provide a service proposal based on the information gathered with our  recommendations and a full explanation of the benefits of our suggested service plan.


We will tailor a service program for you that will lead to safe and reliable equipment. We have developed 4 service plans that we build around that can be  tailored to suit your needs and hours of operation.


Eagle Silver- for light use applications

Eagle Gold- For medium duty applications

And our comprehensive

Eagle Platinum - For heavy duty applications that run more than 1 shift.


 Eagle Full Care which gives you full maintenance monthly budget numbers

Click the service icon to have a customer rep contact you to discuss the options we have available.

Where do we start?

Eagle Silver

Eagle Silver is our basic periodic service program designed for light duty applications where equipment usage is less than 2-3 hours a day.

Eagle Gold

Eagle Gold is recomended for regular one shift applications and is a service program designed and recomended for medium to heavy work loads.

Eagle Platinum

Eagle Platinum is a more comprehensive service program best suited for harsh applications and environments where equipment is running 1.5 shifts or more per day.

Certain applications that run constant require frequent inspections and adjustments at intervals of every 2 months or less.

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Have you considered an
Eagle Full Care maintenance program ?

What Is Eagle Full Care?


With Eagle Full Care Maintenance, we cover all parts and service costs for both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.***


Arrangements can be made to bill you for Full Maintenance service at a fixed monthly cost which will help with monthly budgeting.


Click here to have someone discuss with the benefits of Eagle Full care


***Does not inlcude customer damage or abuse


Not all equipment is eligible for Eagle full care, contact us for further details


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